Printing press owners took the floor at the webinar organized by CIPPON in conjunction with DCS Integrated Media LTD, talking about re-inventing their printing press offering in the new normal. They appeal to participants and the Nigeria printing industry at large to keep Nigerian printing jobs in Nigeria and not take them out of the country.
The MD/CEO, Yaliam Press; Alhaji Yahaya Amfani, Deputy Director, AFKAR Printing and Publishing; Dr. Mrs. Adesola Falaiye, amongst others informed participants on how they intend to serve their customers post COVID-19.

Alhaji Yahaya urged printing press owners not to keep all jobs they get including the one they cannot execute. He advised that they should take printing jobs based on their capacity and pass on the one they can’t execute to other printers who they know can successfully print the job.

Dr. Adesola encouraged her fellow counterparts in the fore front of the industry to develop leadership agility which she described as the ability to be able to make smart decisions in this changing world and to be able to adapt to new trends. She also urged those in managerial position in their company to carry their staff along while making decisions. She further advised printers and print professionals to attend more webinars to keep abreast of latest happenings in the industry.

She stressed that printing press owners are not just running printing presses but a business like every other sector and if they wish to reinvent their printing print in the new normal, they will have to reconsider their SWOT analysis – that is, their Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. She earnestly urged press owners and printers to engage their customers to find what they need and how they can satisfy them.
She affirmed that Printers have come to terms with the new normal and are ready to satisfy their customers even as the business environment is changing.
She concluded by saying that the desire of the Nigerian printing industry is to have local printing jobs executed by local printers and not where they are taken as a second choice when printing jobs taken abroad have defects and falls short of customers’ expectations.